Do you have students still learning to read all the way through a word?
Try our CVC ‘I Can Read’ Word cards!
With real life photos as visual support, children are asked to read and find the correct word. Useful for ESL and speech and language students.
Here’s what’s included -
60 different cards displaying real life photos plus three words to choose between to match to the picture - 2 cards per A4 page
To use -
You will need to have an up to date version of an PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.
Make learning initial sounds hands-on fun with these Connect Four games!
Focusing on all the beginning letter sounds, all the letters of the alphabet are grouped together in four easy to prep games.
Set 1 - S,A,T, P, I, N
Set 2 - M,D,G,O,C,K
Set 3 - E, U, R, H, B, F, L
Set 4 - J, V, W, X, Y, Z, QU
Just print and laminate! To play children just spin the sound then match it to one of the pictures/words on their own game board. First to make four in a row wins!
Perfect for literacy center rotations and Daily 5 word work!
File type –
Ready to print PDF
All of our resources are downloadable digital files that you will be able to access immediately after purchase.
What programs do I need to open and use this product?
I recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader to open any PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free program and can be downloaded here.
Ensuring your software is up to date can help to avoid any compatibility issues.
Prefer using non-fiction photos in your classroom? You’ll love these clean and simple alphabet wall posters with their use of real life images your students will be able to connect with as they’re learning the alphabet.
Each letter of the alphabet is on a separate A4 sheet with both capital and lower case letters.
With clean, real life photos to support your student’s growing understanding of phonics, these posters can be printed to A4 for classroom display or resize to create a handy set of alphabet flash cards unlike any others.
Download includes two versions - ready to print PDF + PowerPoint with editable text.
A perfect addition to any Early Years classroom! Help build alphabet recognition, sound-symbol correspondence and phonemic awareness with a print rich classroom.
Here’s what’s included -
letter A-Z posters with upper and lower case letter displayed + real life photos of objects starting with the same beginning letter sound - 1 per A4 page
letter A-Z posters with upper and lower case letter displayed + real life photos of objects starting with the same beginning letter sound + small labels for each object - 1 per A4 page
two versions supplied - ready to print PDF + editable version with instructions for editing
File type –
Microsoft PowerPoint (editable text) + ready to print PDF
All of our resources are downloadable digital files that you will be able to access immediately after purchase.
What programs do I need to open and use this product?
I recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader to open any PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free to download program.
To use our editable resources, you will need to have Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer to open and edit these resources.
Ensuring your software is up to date can help to avoid any compatibility issues.
What does it mean if a file is editable?
Our editable files allow you to change and customize the text so you can make it exactly what you want to fit your classroom. Simply type into the text boxes provided or add in your own to edit. You will need access to Microsoft PowerPoint to do this.
Editable does not mean all parts are moveable. Any included artwork, clip art, some fonts and other graphics are fixed to abide by copyright laws and cannot be edited or removed. Colours also used cannot be edited with the exception of coloured text.
If you want the text in the editable items to match the look of the ready to print decor, you may need to purchase and install some of the fonts. I’ve included information on the custom fonts used within the download along with a help sheet to make sure you’re getting the most from your purchase.
You can also use any fonts you already have to truly customize the look of your classroom!
Perfect for helping to develop phonemic awareness skills, these easy to prep Crack The Code CCVC Word Cards allow you to easily implement some Science of Reading aligned practice to your literacy block in kindergarten and first grade.
This SoR aligned resource allows children to practice connecting speech sounds (phonemes) to letters. The pictures allow your students to map a word by identifying the beginning or initial sounds of the words in each picture given. After recording each individual beginning sound, children will then use their phonemic blending skills to decode, or sound out, the word - cracking the code!
After blending the individual sounds, students can write the word using the answer sheet provided. Each card is numbered making it easy for them to record their word and, even independently, check their work using the answer sheet. You will also be able to check their progress in blending individual sounds together for reading.
With 60 different CCVC words included, this crack the code activity is ideal for small group work, Daily 5 work work or literacy centers.
Here’s what’s included -
60 CCVC word Crack the Code Cards - 3 per A4 page
Crack The Code recording sheet - 2 per A4 page
answer sheet included
File type –
Ready to print PDF
All of our resources are downloadable digital files that you will be able to access immediately after purchase.
What programs do I need to open and use this product?
I recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader to open any PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free program and can be downloaded here.
Ensuring your software is up to date can help to avoid any compatibility issues.
Ideal for young children who are learning to identify and produce rhyming words using their knowledge of short vowel sounds.
These 18 different mats allow children hands-on practice of making rhyme. Ready to print and add to your literacy centers, just add counters and magnetic letters or playdough to locate and then build the rhyming words.
Word families included -
_ AG / _ AM / _ AN / _ AP / _ AT / _ ED / _ EN / _ ET / _ IG / _ IN / _ IP / _ IT / _ OG / _ OP / _ OT / _ UG / _ UM / _ UN
Easy to read answer cards included along with a more print friendly version.
If your Kindergarten or First Grade students need practice identifying medial vowel sounds in CVC words, this clip card activity will make a great addition to your word work or literacy centers or as an early finisher activity.
Children will look at the picture on each card and use a clothespin to clip the correct vowel sound along the edge of the card. This means students must sound out the word and focus on the medial vowel sound in order to choose correctly. You can make this resource self-checking by placing a dot or sticker on the back of the card.
Clip cards are also perfect for building fine motor skills!
Here’s what’s included -
-80 CVC picture clip it cards cards - 4 per A4 page
To use -
You will need to have an up to date version of an PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.
Designed to build fine motor strength along with phonological awareness, these syllable clip cards are ready to print and add to your literacy center rotations!
With over 170 different picture cards to word with, children take it in turns to read a picture card then correctly count the syllables to be able to cover a number on the card with a clothes peg. Encourage your students to touch each number circle as they say the word slowly - easier than counting claps and perfect for kindergarten.
Plenty of different words included - simple CVC words, starting blends and digraphs making them ideal for testing children’s syllabification skills.
Here’s what’s included -
170+ 1-4 syllable picture+word cards - 4 per A4 page
To use -
You will need to have an up to date version of an PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.
Everyone loves a rainbow classroom! These stunning watercolor alphabet posters are perfect for any preschool or kindergarten classroom! Choose from phonics posters, American Sign language, Auslan alphabet or simply a rainbow of watercolors to make your classroom pop with color!
Made to compliment our WATERCOLOR PAINT Classroom Decor, print out our pre-made posters or CHOOSE YOUR OWN FONT and create your own version!
Perfect for teachers needing to use their own fonts in class. And the two different types of ASL and Auslan alphabet posters make it easy to create an inclusive classroom environment.
Here’s what’s included -
square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters (different colored watercolor dot backgrounds) - 1 to an A4 page
A-Z editable posters portrait view (editable text) featuring different rainbow watercolor paint splots + clip art image starting with the same sound - 1 per A4 page
full page editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with American Sign Language (ASL) images with different colored backgrounds (portrait view) - 1 to an A4 page
full page editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with Auslan Alphabet images with different colored backgrounds (portrait view) - 1 to an A4 page
square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with American Sign Language (ASL) images with different colored backgrounds - 1 to an A4 page
square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with Auslan Alphabet images with different colored backgrounds - 1 to an A4 page
File type –
Microsoft PowerPoint (editable text) + ready to print PDF
All of our resources are downloadable digital files that you will be able to access immediately after purchase.
What programs do I need to open and use this product?
What does it mean if a file is editable?
Our editable files allow you to change and customize the text so you can make it exactly what you want to fit your classroom. Simply type into the text boxes provided or add in your own to edit. You will need access to Microsoft PowerPoint to do this.
Editable does not mean all parts are moveable. Any included artwork, clip art, some fonts and other graphics are fixed to abide by copyright laws and cannot be edited or removed. Colours also used cannot be edited with the exception of coloured text.
If you want the text in the editable items to match the look of the ready to print decor, you may need to purchase and install some of the fonts. I’ve included information on the custom fonts used within the download along with a help sheet to make sure you’re getting the most from your purchase.
You can also use any fonts you already have to truly customize the look of your classroom!
These clear, simple editable alphabet posters with real life photos will brighten any classroom! Perfect for any preschool or kindergarten classroom with each poster features the upper and lower case letter shown along with a single photograph beginning with the letter sound.
With TWO different designs to choose from -
A - ant
B - banana
C - cat
D - donut
E - egg
F - flower
G - gate
H - hen
I - iguana
J - jam
K - key
L - leaf
M - moon
N - nest
O - orange
P - peas
Q - quail
R - rabbit
S - snake
T - tomato
U - umbrella
V - vine
W - watch
X - xray
Y - yam
Z - zebra
Print out our pre-made posters or CHOOSE YOUR OWN FONT and create your own version ! Perfect for teachers needing to use Australian State fonts.
Here’s what’s included -
Alphabet Posters (PDF) TWO DIFFERENT DESIGNS - 1 to an A4 page.
Editable Alphabet Posters (PowerPoint) TWO DIFFERENT DESIGNS - 1 to an A4 page.
To use -
You will need to have Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer to edit this resource. Decide on your label, CHOOSE YOUR OWN FONT and simply change the text to suit then PRINT.
Make learning the different letters of the alphabet hands-on fun! These alphabet mats are perfect for preschool and kindergarten students who are being introduced to beginning sounds. Use these letter tracing mats to help build their phonological awareness and knowledge of letters and sounds while introducing correct letter formation and strengthening fine motor skills at the same time.
All you need to do is just print and laminate them, prep is super easy for you! Just add playdough or other loose parts like small stones, counters and other manipulatives. Or add a sand tray to try tracing the letters independently? Print the cards smaller and laminate them to practice tracing the letters. Use them as posters in your classroom.
So many different ways to invite learning with these alphabet mats.
Different designs included —> choose from upper+lower case letter or lower case letter only then —> single image or full color photo. All using real life photos!
Here’s what’s included -
26 Alphabet Tracing Mats with Real Life Photos (FOUR DIFFERENT DESIGNS) - 1 to an A4 page.
File type –
Ready to print PDF
All of our resources are downloadable digital files that you will be able to access immediately after purchase.
I encourage you to ask questions before purchasing if you are uncertain of anything.
What programs do I need to open and use this product?
I recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader to open any PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free program and can be downloaded here.
Ensuring your software is up to date can help to avoid any compatibility issues.
These rhyming word clip cards are perfect for children who are still learning to identify and produce rhyme.
Ready to print and add to your literacy center rotations, each card has a visual prompt and label along with three other images to then differentiate between to find the rhyming word. For example, for ‘tag’ children have to decide if scissors, hen or bag rhyme.
Add some clothes pegs to help build fine motor skills or counters to mark the correct sound.
These rhyming word cards be used for independent word work or in small group work and are perfect for special education or speech and language students.
Here’s what’s included -
100 different cards with easy to interpret clip art photo to match simple rhyming words - 4 cards per A4 page
two groups of cards for differentiation - CVC words + mixed word patterns (CVCC/CCVC/CVCe + more)
To use -
You will need to have an up to date version of an PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.
These easy to edit CACTUS themed Alphabet Posters are perfect for displaying in elementary classrooms. Providing just the right amount of visual support for young children learning the alphabet.
Choose from four different designs - all with easy to edit fonts leaving you free to use our fonts and just press print or change to your choice of font with the click of a button. Perfect for teachers required to use State fonts.
Here’s what’s included -
A-Z editable rectangular posters portrait view (editable text) featuring different cacti inspired colors + clip art image starting with the same sound - 1 per A4 page
square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters (modern cacti designs + watercolor artwork) - 1 to an A4 page
A-Z editable posters portrait view (editable text) featuring watercolor cacti artwork - 1 per A4 page
square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with Auslan Alphabet images (consonants/vowel posters different colored backgrounds) - 1 to an A4 page
To use -
You will need to have an up to date version of Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer to open and edit this resource. Fonts are saved to the file but are not guaranteed and are for demonstration purposes.
With mix of soft earthy natural colors and forest inspired designs, these woodland forest themed alphabet posters are just what your elementary classroom needs!
Made to match our other INTO THE WOODS Classroom Decor, these alphabet posters have been designed for use in a preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom.
You can choose from four different designs - all with easy to edit text including one phonics based set of posters all featuring an image beginning with the same sound plus a set of Auslan Alphabet Posters for Australian classrooms.
Here’s what’s included -
A-Z editable rectangular posters portrait view (editable text) featuring different earthy colors + clip art image starting with the same sound - 1 per A4 page
square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters (natural paper background + watercolor forest artwork) - 1 to an A4 page
A-Z editable posters portrait view (editable text) featuring forest artwork - 1 per A4 page
square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with Auslan Alphabet images (consonants/vowel posters different colored backgrounds) - 1 to an A4 page
**To use - **
You will need to have an up to date version of Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer to open and edit this resource. Decide on your label, CHOOSE YOUR OWN FONT and simply type in your text then PRINT.
With a simple calming neutral colour palette, this word wall pack can be used in any modern boho themed classroom.
Easy to edit, choose from two different designs - one round + one square for easy cutting. Use our fonts or add your own then press print! Blank word cards included to match the different alphabet header labels.
Create your own alphabet display or change the text to numbers to make a unique number line.
Here’s what’s included -
A-Z Alphabet Labels featuring different inky black and white hand drawn patterns + warm timber (round design) - 3 to an A4 page but can be edited + resized.
A-Z Alphabet Labels featuring modern neutral earthy boho designs (square labels) - 2 to an A4 page but can be edited + resized.
Blank word wall cards (6 different designs) - 10 to an A4 page + editable.
To use -
You will need to have an up to date version of Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer to open and edit this resource. Decide on your labels, CHOOSE YOUR OWN FONT and simply type in your text then PRINT. Fonts are saved to the file but are not guaranteed and are for demonstration purposes.
Earthy boho neutrals, chalkboard black, timber and hand drawn black and white patterns - these easy to edit alphabet posters bring all your favourite elements together in one set of classroom decor!
Choose from SIX different designs! Edit them to use your own choice of font or use our ready to print designs!
Here’s what’s included -
A-Z editable rectangular posters portrait view (editable text) featuring different B+W hand drawn inky patterns backgrounds + earthy colors + clip art image starting with the same sound - 1 per A4 page
square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters (different neutral colored centers + B+W pattern background) - 1 to an A4 page
A-Z editable posters portrait view (editable text) featuring different earthy colors + clip art image starting with the same sound - 1 per A4 page
A-Z editable rectangular posters portrait view (editable text) featuring different B+W hand drawn inky patterns backgrounds + earthy colors + watercolor image starting with the same sound - 1 per A4 page
A-Z editable posters portrait view (editable text) featuring different neutral colored round centers + clip art image starting with the same sound - 1 per A4 page
square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with Auslan Alphabet images in B+W (consonants/vowel posters different colored backgrounds) - 1 to an A4 page
To use -
You will need to have an up to date version of Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer to open and edit this resource. Decide on your poster, CHOOSE YOUR OWN FONT and simply type in your text then PRINT. Fonts are saved to the file but are not guaranteed and are for demonstration purposes.
Letter confusion is common in young children as they learn the directionality of text but if you have students reversing their letter p’s and q’s and want some practical activities for them to become more confident in identifying and writing their letters correctly? This pack is just what you need to help fix letter reversals.
With a mix of different resources included, this helpful pack can provide children struggling with letter confusion some practical support in identifying each letter along with forming the letter correctly.
Choose from a range of different visual supports and hands-on activities - traceable letter cards with real photo backgrounds, posters to display in class or add our unique photo cards to your next literacy center rotation so young children can practice differentiating between the letters p and q by using real life photos beginning with the same sounds as prompts. Laminate the cards and add some whiteboard markers to practice writing each letter or just add some pegs to clip the correct letter.
Use the clip cards in another centers, again real photos are used as visual support. Add our games, mazes or worksheets to your small group work.
This pack makes differentiation within your literacy centers easy!
Here’s what’s included -
p/q posters ‘Pp is for pig’ (3 designs) - 1 per A4 page
9 pages of p/q letter tracing cards featuring dotted letters for writing plus a real life photo of something starting with either the letter p or q - 5 cards per A4 page
Sorting Letters worksheet of letters p+q with writing practice included - A4 page
Writing Practice worksheet for letters p+q with real photo prompts starting with same beginning sound plus traceable words to match - A4 page
p+q square posters for prewriters (traceable lower case letter over real photo background) - 3 different pages for each letter 1 per A4 page
p+q spinners + paper dice template (with and without photo cues)
traceable p+q letter games - 1 per page
p+q letter mazes - 1 per page + answer sheet provided
6 pages pf p+q clip cards with real photo cues - 4 per A4 page
File type –
Ready to print PDF
All of our resources are downloadable digital files that you will be able to access immediately after purchase.
What programs do I need to open and use this product?
I recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader to open any PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free program and can be downloaded here.
Ensuring your software is up to date can help to avoid any compatibility issues.
These 3 part rhyming word cards are a fun, hands-on way to explore rhyme.
Including CVC word families, blend and digraphs, these cards offer children real life photos as visual support for beginning readers learning to recognise and produce rhyme.
Just print, laminate and cut them out to add to your literacy centres!
Add to your classroom decor with this stunning Watercolor Paint Editable Word Wall Pack!
Made to match our other WATERCOLOR PAINT Classroom Decor, this resource is easy to edit, choose from our 2 premade, ready to print alphabet labels or create your own. Use our fonts or add your own then press print! Blank word cards included to match the different labels.
Here’s what’s included -
A-Z Alphabet Labels featuring 13 different colored watercolor paint circles with white frame - 3 to an A4 page but can be edited + resized.
A-Z Alphabet Labels featuring 13 different colored watercolor paint circles without white frame - 3 to an A4 page but can be edited + resized.
Blank word wall cards (13 different designs) - 10 to an A4 page + editable.
Banner display headers for - WORD work/WORD wall/WALL + SOUND wall - please note text is not editable
instructions for easy editing included
File type –
Microsoft PowerPoint (editable text) + ready to print PDF
All of our resources are downloadable digital files that you will be able to access immediately after purchase.
What programs do I need to open and use this product?
I recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader to open any PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free program.
To use our editable resources, you will need to have Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer to open and edit these resources.
Ensuring your software is up to date can help to avoid any compatibility issues.
What does it mean if a file is editable?
Our editable files allow you to change and customize the text so you can make it exactly what you want to fit your classroom. Simply type into the text boxes provided or add in your own to edit. You will need access to Microsoft PowerPoint to do this.
Editable does not mean all parts are moveable. Any included artwork, clip art, some fonts and other graphics are fixed to abide by copyright laws and cannot be edited or removed. Colours also used cannot be edited with the exception of coloured text.
If you want the text in the editable items to match the look of the ready to print decor, you may need to purchase and install some of the fonts. I’ve included information on the custom fonts used within the download along with a help sheet to make sure you’re getting the most from your purchase.
You can also use any fonts you already have to truly customize the look of your classroom!
Digging the retro vibes for your classroom this school year? This retro rainbow word wall pack is just what your classroom needs this school year!
Designed for use in a preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom, this word wall pack has been made to match our other RETRO REWIND Classroom Decor, with a mix of vintage 60s reimagined artwork and earthy rainbow colors to brighten up your classroom but not overwhelm it.
You can choose from round or square designs - all with easy to edit text plus word cards to match allowing you to add to your word wall as your students’ need.
Banner headers have also been included for - WORD work/WORD wall/WALL + SOUND wall
**Here’s what’s included **-
A-Z editable round labels (editable text) featuring different rainbow colors/artwork - 3 per A4 page (can be resized)
square editable A-Z Alphabet labels (pastel colored arched background + modern rainbow artwork) - 2 per A4 page (can be resized)
Blank word wall cards (different designs/colorways included) - 10 to an A4 page + editable
Banner display headers for - WORD work/WORD wall/WALL + SOUND wall - please note text is not editable
instructions for easy editing included
File types –
Microsoft PowerPoint (editable text) + ready to print PDF
All of our resources are downloadable digital files that you will be able to access immediately after purchase.
What programs do I need to open and use this product?
I recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader to open any PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free program.
To use our editable resources, you will need to have Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer to open and edit these resources.
Ensuring your software is up to date can help to avoid any compatibility issues.
What does it mean if a file is editable?
Our editable files allow you to change and customize the text so you can make it exactly what you want to fit your classroom. Simply type into the text boxes provided or add in your own to edit. You will need access to Microsoft PowerPoint to do this.
Editable does not mean all parts are moveable. Any included artwork, clip art, some fonts and other graphics are fixed to abide by copyright laws and cannot be edited or removed. Colours also used cannot be edited with the exception of coloured text.
If you want the text in the editable items to match the look of the ready to print decor, you may need to purchase and install some of the fonts. I’ve included information on the custom fonts used within the download along with a help sheet to make sure you’re getting the most from your purchase.
You can also use any fonts you already have to truly customize the look of your classroom!
These retro classroom alphabet posters with mix of vintage rainbow colors and 60s inspired prints and patterns are just what your elementary classroom needs this back to school!
Made to match our other RETRO REWIND Classroom Decor, these alphabet posters have been designed for use in a preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom.
You can choose from seven different designs - all with easy to edit text including phonics based sets of posters all featuring an image beginning with the same sound plus American Sign Language (ASL) Alphabet Posters and Auslan Alphabet Posters for Australian classrooms.
Here’s what’s included -
A-Z editable rectangular posters portrait view (editable text) featuring a mix of different rainbow colors/patterns + clip art image starting with the same sound - 1 per A4 page
A-Z editable posters portrait design (editable text) featuring featuring mostly white background + a mix of different rainbow colors/patterns + clip art image starting with the same sound - 1 per A4 page
A-Z editable posters portrait design (editable text) featuring featuring a mix of different rainbow colors/patterns - 1 per A4 page
full page editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with American Sign Language (ASL) images with vintage colored background (portrait view) - 1 to an A4 page
full page editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with Auslan Alphabet images with vintage rainbow colored background (portrait view) - 1 to an A4 page
square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with American Sign Language (ASL) images (consonants/vowel posters different colored backgrounds) - 1 to an A4 page
square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with Auslan Alphabet images (consonants/vowel posters different colored backgrounds) - 1 to an A4 page
File type –
Microsoft PowerPoint (editable text) + ready to print PDF
All of our resources are downloadable digital files that you will be able to access immediately after purchase.
What programs do I need to open and use this product?
What does it mean if a file is editable?
Our editable files allow you to change and customize the text so you can make it exactly what you want to fit your classroom. Simply type into the text boxes provided or add in your own to edit. You will need access to Microsoft PowerPoint to do this.
Editable does not mean all parts are moveable. Any included artwork, clip art, some fonts and other graphics are fixed to abide by copyright laws and cannot be edited or removed. Colours also used cannot be edited with the exception of coloured text.
If you want the text in the editable items to match the look of the ready to print decor, you may need to purchase and install some of the fonts. I’ve included information on the custom fonts used within the download along with a help sheet to make sure you’re getting the most from your purchase.